Tips and tricks to make relocating easier for kids
Posted on 20/12/2023
Relocating to a new home can be an exciting and fulfilling experience for families that are looking to make a change in their lives. However, it can also be a difficult and challenging experience too, especially for kids who may not understand the reasons behind the move or may feel upset about leaving familiar places and friends. To make relocating easier for kids, it pays to plan ahead and to remember that they need reassurance and emotional support throughout the process. Here are some helpful tips and tricks that can make relocating easier for young children.
1. Talk About the Move
It's important to talk openly and honestly with your kids about your plans to move. Explain why you are relocating and let them know that it's something you are doing together as a family. Remind them of all the good opportunities that await you at the new place. If appropriate, involve them in the decision-making process by asking for their input in certain matters such as where they would like to live or what activities they would like to do when they get there.
2. Let them say goodbye
Make sure to give your children plenty of time to say goodbye to their friends and relatives before leaving for your new home. You could arrange a farewell party or other suitable event or just take them out on separate occasions so they can spend quality time with their peers and tell everyone personally how much they will miss them when they're gone. This will help them adjust better and accept the change faster once they arrive at their new destination.
3. Encourage Them To Learn About The New Place
Having knowledge about what life is like in their new home can help kids feel more prepared for the move and less uncertain about what awaits them. Read up on websites that discuss fun facts or family-friendly activities that may be available in the area; look up pictures of local attractions online; watch movies or television shows set in the region; or even plan ahead by arranging virtual visits with prospective friends so that when they arrive, they already have someone waiting for them (under responsible adult supervision of course).
4. Help Them Feel In Control
Children often feel overwhelmed when faced with major changes like making a move, which is why it's important to provide them with some sense of control during this process. Allow them to participate actively in packing their belongings; allow older children involvement in selecting furniture, choosing colors for walls, etc; consider taking special items with sentimental value (such as stuffed animals) on trips instead of sending them by mail; take part in decision making regarding activities such as joining extracurricular classes after relocation; anything else that includes letting them be part of decisions related to relocating will help ease their anxieties immensely.
5. Make Time For Fun Activities
During times of stress, it's important to create moments of joy as well (for both parent and child). Try organizing fun activities such as playing board games, building puzzles or playing sports together during pre-move preparations as well as post-move settling down stages, whenever possible. As long as these activities don't interfere with moving tasks, taking some time off from worrying about how things will work out can be very beneficial for the whole family's peace of mind during a tough transition period like this one is.
6. Take Baby Steps Toward Independence
Sometimes, kids need just a little extra push toward independence after relocation has taken place. One way of easing into this process is by allowing older children small steps toward autonomy: inviting friends over without parental supervision but under responsible guidance while parents remain nearby; loosening up rules around curfew times gradually depending on situations/circumstances etc.; allowing limited use of public transport if no other means of transportation are available etc., will help prepare kids psychologically for being able to manage certain challenges alone once everything settles down completely with time.
7. Spend Quality Time Together
Lastly but most importantly, relocating is also a great opportunity for parents to bond more deeply with their children during a challenging period like this one since kids often tend towards seeking more attention from caretakers during such times of upheaval anyway - this could mean having weekly family dinners all together without gadgets or devices present; going on planned outings every month maybe even long weekends on occasion if feasible; engaging in extra bedtime stories suitable according to age group; participating in indoor game nights etc., all these little measures add up eventually into major gains in terms of emotional bonding between adults/caretakers/family members/friends and children alike - something which strengthens further forever even long after the specific relocation event has been put behind everyone involved once and for all!
Relocation doesn't have to be traumatic for children if it's done with proper planning and consideration given towards their feelings throughout the entire process starting from before leaving till after arrival in terms of adapting into the new environment successfully afterwards over time!